M3 call for papers has a week to run
We’re just as interested in how the technology is finding its way into traditional organisations and augmenting or even over-turning established ways of doing business as we are are in what hyperscale operators and cutting edge academics are achieving.
Whether you’re targeting the world’s population, or just the robots on your production line, we’re really interested in how you’re tackling the ethical and societal issues AI and robotics are inevitably going to throw up.
If you’ve got experience of putting the popular open source libraries and tools to work in business or the public sector, we’d love for you to show others how you did it.
Similarly, if you’ve built software tools from the ground up and are running them across specialised hardware, we know our attendees are going to be fascinated.
After all, if your fellow developers, engineers, architects and CIOs aren’t already getting projects up and running, we suspect many of them will to be starting to experiment very soon.
So, if you have proposals for conference sessions and workshops that illustrate the rapid advances in this field, head over to our call for papers now.
The conference will take place from October 9 to 11, at 30 Euston Square, Central London. This is a stunningly comfortable venue in which to ponder some of the most intellectually, and ethically, challenging issues facing the tech community today, and we really want you to join us. ®