Samsung Galaxy S8 Bixby Final1 670x330 - Samsung, Intex, Rising Star Top The List of OEMs in India

Samsung, Intex, Rising Star Top The List of OEMs in India

Samsung, Intex and Rising Star are the top three Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in India, market research firm CyberMedia Research (CMR) said on Monday.

According to the report, 48 OEMs and third party manufacturers made mobile handsets in India during the fourth quarter of 2016 and 40 Original Design Manufacturer (ODMs) supplied to brands selling in India for the same period.

“The positive thing about ‘Make in India’ of attracting foreign OEMs to assemble/manufacture in India has been progressively achieved,” said Faisal Kawoosa, Principal Analyst, Industry Intelligence Practice at CMR.

Samsung is the leading ODM for overall mobiles as well as smartphones in India.

Rising Star is the leading third party manufacturer, while Intex and Vivo are the other two ODMs, making to the top three lists of overall handsets and smartphones, respectively.

Rising Star manufactures phones for Asus, Gionee, InFocus, Microsoft, Oppo and Xiaomi.

“Make in India has surely helped pull the crowd and the numbers are quite encouraging for the country,” added Krishna Mukherjee, Telecom Analyst with CMR.

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