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Pornhub Adopts HTTPS Encryption For Safe Watching

To make porn-watching safe for its over 70 million daily users, popular adult website PornHub has turned on encryption by default.

The site will use Hyertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) that will prevent any monitoring or other such intrusions, Ireland-based technology website Newstalk reported on Saturday.

“Here at Pornhub, we wanted to continue our concerted effort to maximise the privacy of our users, ensuring that what they do on our platform remains strictly confidential,” Corey Price, Pornhub Vice President, was quoted as saying.

“With the switch to HTTPS, we are able to protect their identity as well as safeguard them against exposure to malware by third parties,” Price added.

According to the report, the use of HTTPS will not prevent hackers from tracking users’ IP addresses, but it will prevent them from seeing the pages viewed.

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