The impact of WannaCry ransomware attack has been limited to five or six isolated instances so far and there are no reports of any substantial disruption to India’s IT backbone, the government said on Tuesday.
CERT-In, the government’s cyber security arm, has maintained that apart from five or six isolated instances, there are no reports of a substantial scale to indicate that Indian systems have been hit.
All the cases reported so far involve fragmented, and isolated systems or standalone machines, she stressed.
“Since March, the government has been on high alert. We have already installed the necessary security patches as far as the key networks are concerned. We have not got any reports of widespread infection of the ransomware,” she said.
The cyber criminals have demanded a fee of about USD 300 in crypto-currencies like Bitcoin for unlocking the device.
Reports suggest that over two lakh systems globally could have been infected by the malicious software.
The ransomware has hit various IT systems in more than 150 countries, including Russia and the UK, in one of the most widespread cyber attacks in history.