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M3: Dr Mark Bishop to present keynote

Expert on AI tech AND philosophy AND killer robots

Mark is director of TCIDA (the Tungsten Centre for Intelligent Data Analytics) and Professor of Cognitive Computing at Goldsmiths, University of London, where he leads a team that has successfully developed commercial state-of-the-art analytic systems for procurement. Mark has also led research using web analytics for fraud detection and steered basic research into the theoretical foundations of analytics for procurement, which has led to notable advances in address parsing, restructuring, deduplication and matching.

Mark’s research spans Artificial Intelligence – its theory and applications – and the philosophy of Artificial Intelligence. In 1989 he developed what was (arguably) the first computational Swarm Intelligence (SI) paradigm – Stochastic Diffusion Search (SDS) – which has subsequently enjoyed wide application in areas as diverse as mobile robotic localisation to computational creativity. He has successfully deployed AI in areas as diverse as: time-series forecasting (UK National Grid); face recognition (BT); optimisation theory (EPSRC); neural networks (DERA, the Science Museum); interplanetary mission planning (ESA); mobile-robot localisation (EU); and colour-physics (Courtaulds).

A former chair of the UK Society for Artificial Intelligence & the Simulation of Behaviour, he was co-opted on to the Organising Committee of ICRAC (the International Committee for Robot Arms Control). ICRAC is an international NGO campaigning for control of so-called “killer robots” and in this role Mark was made chair of a special UNESCO/PUGWASH meeting (2013) on “Autonomy and autonomous weapons” and invited to participate in three UN special sessions on “Lethal Autonomous Weapons” in Geneva (2014, 2015 and 2016).

Our focus at M3 is on the practical applications of AI and machine learning, and throughout his career Mark has pushed the boundaries of what that means. We’re really excited that he’ll be joining us, and we’re sure you are too.

The programme committee is due to meet later this month and consider the myriad responses to our call for papers, and we expect to publish our draft agenda next month.

So, if you want to get a grip on both the potential of AI, machine learning and advanced analytics, and see how real companies are putting the technology to work, you should be marking your calendar. We look forward to seeing you in October. ®

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