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M3 call for papers extended

Leave the day job to the machines, and get your proposals in

So, to be fair to all, we’re pushing the deadline for the call for papers back to April 17. Full details of the call for papers are here.

Which means if you’ve been applying AI and machine learning to real world business problems, or have been conducting leading edge research into predictive analytics, there’s some extra time for you to refine your pitch and show the world just how clever you and your software are.

Likewise if you been drilling down into the nuts and bolts of machine learning frameworks or the online AI platforms and are bursting to show your fellow users what they can – and can’t – do there could be a space for you on our programme either in a conference spot or leading an all day, deep dive workshop.

We’d advise you not to wait until the extended deadline passes. The M3 programme committee meets in late April, and are itching to start working their way through the proposals.

We’ll be posting the draft programme in May, but we’re already confident we’ll have a great lineup of speakers and sessions that will highlight just how AI, machine learning, and data science can be applied to real world businesses and organisations.

The conference will take place from October 9 to 11, at 30 Euston Square, Central London. This is a stunningly comfortable venue in which to ponder some of the most intellectually, and ethically, challenging issues facing the tech community today, and we really want you to join us.

For details on M3 and the call for papers, head over to the website now. ®


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