In terms of specifications, the variants of the HP ZBook Studio x360 are powered by Intel Core i5 and i7 hexa-core processors as well as Intel Xeon chipset. Complementing this is a Nvidia Quadro P1000 graphics and up to 32GB of RAM along with up to 4TB of local storage. The laptop sports a 15.6-inch touchscreen display with 4k resolution and is fully convertible, thanks to its 360-degree hinge. As per HP, the battery backup on the laptop lasts for 16 hours and charges to 50 percent capacity within 30 minutes. There is also a Wacom AES pen with the laptop that comes with two customisable buttons and supports 4000 levels of pressure sensitivity. The laptop runs Windows 10 operating system.
HP ZBook x360. (Image: HP)
Also read: Logitech India Launches Hindi Keyboard to Bridge Digital Divide
As for the connectivity options, the HP ZBook Studio x360 comes with two USB 3.0 ports, 2 USB type-C ports with Thunderbolt 3 support, an HDMI port. Security features on the laptop include fingerprint sensor, Windows Hello facial recognition camera and a privacy screen.
HP ZBook x360. (Image: HP)
HP ZBook Studio x360 is expected to be available starting May at a starting price of $1,499.
Along with the ZBook Studio x360, HP has introduced four new laptops namely HP ZBook Studio, the HP ZBook 17, the HP ZBook 15, and the HP ZBook 15v. Amongst these, HP has disclosed the pricing of HP ZBook Studio and HP ZBook 15v, priced at $1299 and $949 respectively. The laptops are also expected to be available for purchase starting May.
Watch: HP Spectre X360 Review | Is it Worth Rs 1.57 Lakh?
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