portable oven 100715689 large 2 670x330 - 25% off HotLogic Mini Personal Portable Oven – Deal Alert

25% off HotLogic Mini Personal Portable Oven – Deal Alert

Hot Logic Mini averages 4.8 out of 5 stars on Amazon from over 1,800 people (87% rate a full 5 stars: read recent reviews).  A cross between a lunch bag and an oven, this personal, portable cooker is great for the office, job site, the campsite, the car, or anywhere you have an outlet. The Hot Logic Mini will prepare fresh-cooked hot meals, reheated meals or perfectly cooked prepackaged meals without overcooked edges or frozen centers. Whether you’re cooking uncooked, frozen chicken breasts with fresh beans on top or reheating last night’s pizza, HotLogic will cook it and hold its temperature until you’re ready to eat. Its typical list price of $39.95 has been reduced, for now, to $29.95. See this deal now on Amazon.

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